How to Wrap
a Bike
this Christmas
You’ve successfully hidden your loved one’s new bike for the last month without a hint of suspicion; surely that’s the hard part over right? Now it's just the wrapping to take care of, which is where our guide on how to wrap a bike comes in.
Anyone who has ever attempted to wrap a bike with wrapping paper deserves a medal. Compared to wrapping a boxed helmet, it’s a task which takes a lot of time and patience, that not many of us are blessed with at 10pm on Christmas Eve!
We’ve heard some brilliant excuses over the years here at Raleigh; “Santa ran out of wrapping paper.”, “It wouldn’t fit in the sleigh and one of Santa’s elf’s had to ride it round” and so on. But sometimes these excuses just don’t cut it; perhaps your children are more inquisitive than most or maybe your gift is for a big kid who won’t be fooled.
So if you do want to have a go at wrapping and still have time for that glass of mulled wine on Christmas Eve we have a few ideas to help you get the bike wrapped and under the tree along with everything else.
Easy Bike Wrapping
Okay we know the score. You want to make an effort and wrap your recipients bike to make it look extra special for Christmas. However, like many of us you’re great at leaving things to the last minute! We’ve all been there, it’s late in the day and you’ve got presents to wrap for the whole family – you need a quick and easy fix. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
Oversized Bow and Gift Tag
We love this idea because it’s the easiest to do; you can purchase these oversized gift bows at most card shops for a few pounds. You could even make a giant gift tag out of some cardboard and some leftover wrapping paper.
Jumbo Bicycle Sack
The ultimate cheat’s solution, wrap your bike in seconds with almost zero hassle. Retailers including Amazon sell large bike sacks for a few pounds that are designed to slip over the bike to wrap it in seconds. Choose your favourite festive print and you’re away.
Paper Table Cloths
You can buy festive table cloths in most shops around Christmas, these are great for wrapping round bikes. The table cloths are more flexible than traditional wrapping paper making the experience much easier. Just be careful not to pull them too tight – you don’t want any rips!
Creative Bike Wrapping
These solutions aren’t for the faint-hearted but they’ll certainly have your recipient smiling with delight at the results. We won’t dress it up, these bike wrapping methods may take a while!
Bike Hunt
This one takes a little more time but it’s worth it just to keep kids busy on Christmas morning. Wrap something like a helmet or even the pedals for the bike, and hide the bike in the shed. Include a clue in the present that takes them to another clue and so on until it finally leads to the bike.
Present Disguise
This is by far the most creative solution we’ve seen to the bike wrapping dilemma courtesy of REI Co-Op and is a great project for the creatives among you. Get ready to see your kids’ faces light up when they see they’ve got their very own Reindeer for Christmas. Follow the link for full step by step instructions.
Go Traditional
It may be a struggle, but if you do want to go with the traditional wrapping paper method check out our quick video below which will have things sorted in a jiffy.
Hopefully this will give you plenty of ideas on how to wrap a bike for Christmas. We would love to see how you get on, why not tag us in your pictures on Instagram or Facebook of your bike wrapping or your new bikes unwrapped under the Christmas tree?