Cycle to work -
Electric bike scheme
Thinking about joining the growing number of people cycling to work? Wondering "can you get an electric bike on a cycle to work scheme"? Good news! Raleigh e-bikes are available to purchase as part of cycling to work programmes, where your employer purchases an electric bike and you pay them back each month through a salary sacrifice arrangement, with an ownership option at the end of the initiative.
Buying through a scheme like this is a great way to find an affordable e-bike. Your employer or work provider purchases the bike (plus any bike accessories you require), and you pay it back over the year-long hire agreement with savings thanks to pre-tax salary sacrifice. Plus, it's super straightforward to get started - just contact your HR department or work to make sure they're registered, and get cycling!
So, which electric bike package is right for you, and how does it work exactly? Find out how to work out the total savings and start making healthier journeys to work at a reduced cost on a new bike (plus skip crowded public transport and reduce your carbon footprint while you're at it)...
What is an e-bike cycle to work scheme?
Essentially, any cycle to work scheme is an extended hire agreement where your employer agrees to front the cost of a bike (and accessories where required). After the end of your hire period through the scheme, you'll be able to choose to upgrade or sign an agreement to own your current e-bike.
As part of the agreement, you'll pay less national insurance and income tax through your PAYE system. Then, your employer claims back the VAT on the bike. So it really is a win-win. With a programme like Cyclescheme - the leading provider of cycle-to-work bikes in the UK - participants typically save 25-39% on a new e-bike for work. After you've chosen your bike and your employer has sent in your application, you'll get a Cyclescheme certificate or voucher to exchange in your nearest bike shop. You pay your employer back through a monthly payment salary sacrifice scheme (which comes out of your gross salary rather than net pay, so before tax).
Can you get an electric bike on a cycle to work scheme?
Not only can you get an e-bike (and accessories) through cycle to work schemes - you can also save money and spread the cost of paying for it too. We've highlighted some of the top electric bikes in our range that are available on Cyclescheme, so you can choose the best model for you. Raleigh bikes are available direct, or in-store with partner retailers.
Motus e-bikes
The Motus is powered by a Bosch motor and has an intuitive display to monitor your ride. The range includes hub gear and derailleur models, so there's something to suit you. With battery ranges from 80-100 miles, the Motus is perfect for a longer commute!
Stow-E-Way e-bikes
Folding electric bikes are particularly popular amongst city commuters or those with limited storage space. The Stow-E-Way packs a powerful battery (with a range of 30 miles) and motor into a compact frame for ultimate flexibility.
Array e-bikes
With a 60-mile range and a lightweight aluminium frame, the Array is an ideal work bike. Get a pedal assist boost on the way into the office, and enjoy longer cycles in your downtime at the weekend.
Trace e-bike
Ultra-lightweight with a sleek design, the Trace is perfect for those looking for a more unassuming electric bike. A powerful 250wh battery gets you up to 50 miles on a single charge.
Cargo e-bikes
Businesses can also sign up to employee schemes to get electric cargo bikes as part of the scheme, offering an easy and more eco-friendly option for couriers and deliveries.
Can I save money on an electric bike with a cycle to work scheme?
Yes! Employer schemes are designed to encourage people to choose to cycle to work rather than drive, so there's a great incentive for you to take part.
Many workplaces are already signed up to government initiative cycle to work schemes as an employee benefit. Because your contribution comes out of your salary before tax, you won't be paying National Insurance and tax on the payments. If your employer isn't yet signed up to a scheme, it's really quick and simple to do so.
If you're looking for a cheap way to buy an e-bike, a work cycle scheme is a great option. It allows you to save and spread the cost of electric bikes, including those listed above. Find out how much you could save with the Cyclescheme savings calculator.
Ready to get going with a cycle to work scheme? Read our top tips on cycling to work, choose the e-bike for you, and you'll be on your way!